Tips to consider when building - is one or two storeys right for you?

The decision to build one or two storeys is often determined by your lifestyle requirements or your block size, or both. If you haven’t yet chosen your block, we’ve put together some key points to consider to help make the decision a little clearer.


Block Size

The footprint of a two level home is smaller, meaning it takes up less room on the block because it goes up instead of out. For this reason, you may be able to afford a smaller block in a better location or save more budget for the build, which can alter the value equation. Some communities will have guidelines as to how many levels can be built on certain blocks, so it is worthwhile making your enquiries at the start of your journey.



If your block has a view, it makes sense to make the most of this, which often means opting for two storeys. It’s worth having a look at the future plans for your new community to ensure that the view you are building around won’t get obstructed by future amenity. Some builders offer designs with kitchen and living areas upstairs to capitalise on views, perfect for admiring the coastline or city views.



Two storey homes include a higher price tag than single storeys, which can equate to $20,000 to $50,000. So, while you may have saved on buying a smaller block, you will need to allow additional budget for the build.



If you have an ageing family that will be living with you or regularly visiting, you may wish to consider the challenges of selecting a two storey floorplan.  Two storey homes often have all bedrooms upstairs, while single storey designs can provide more zoning options to cater for a variety of family members from different age groups. Single storey designs can give the feeling they are more open with wider hallways and entrances, and possibly more access points to outdoor spaces, which can appeal to many.


